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Tunguska event happened in 1908.

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Q: When did Tunguska event happen?
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Where did the tunguska event happen?

The Tunguska Event took place in the Tunguska River...I don't know much about it but you know this is good enough.:) thank you for viewing my answer!!~Taeven Perkins

Who giving credit for the simple microscope and what year did this happen?

Abraham Lincoln made the first microscope with his bare hands in Soviet Russia. As a result ,the tunguska event leveled most of Siberia.

When did the earth get hit by an asteriod?

Several times. The latest was probably in 1908 (the Tunguska event).

When did the meteor fall into Siberia?

The Tunguska event happened on June 30, 1908. It was an airburst event; no crater. (A wonderful discovery sequence followed)

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He did so. After that he covered the writings and drawing of the weapon after the The Tunguska event. He wanted no more with it.

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Tunguska - album - was created in 2006.

What has the author Surendra Verma written?

Surendra Verma has written: 'The Tunguska Fireball' -- subject(s): Tunguska meteorite 'The Mystery of the Tunguska Fireball'

What caused the huge explosion in Siberia in 1908?

The aerial explosion of a meteor or a comet on 30 June 1908 was the probable cause of the Tunguska event.

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John Engledew has written: 'The Tungus event, or, the great Siberian meteorite' -- subject(s): Tunguska meteorite

Did Tunguska have an alien inside?

We don't know it was 103 years ago. There is no evidence of alien involvement at Tunguska.

Where was the last asteroid hit on earth?

There was one significant asteroid impact in 1908 - the Tunguska event. It is possible that smaller asteroids hit Earth after that. There was a smaller asteroid/meteor impact more recently - the Chelyabinsk event in 2013.

What is the area called in Russia that got hit with an asteroid?

This place is called Tunguska, and the phenomenon itself is called the "Tunguska Event". Nobody knows what could cause such an impact, but some theories are ball lightning, asteroids, or alien space ship crashes. Sounds irrational, but still very well possible.