Planes were not discovered ( to be "discovered" something has to all ready exist). They were invented. Orville and Wilbur Wright are given the credit for the first flight in an heavier than air machine in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, NC.
It was Rene Decartes
it can fly
two planes intersect in one line, or the planes could be parallel. by the way there is no such thing as skew planes...
The angle between two planes when the planes intersect at a point is the acute angle fixed by the normal vectors of the planes.
9 planes in Cube 3 Planes in Cuboid
It was Rene Decartes
Yes but these military planes are flown by navy pilots or military pilots.
it can fly
two planes intersect in one line, or the planes could be parallel. by the way there is no such thing as skew planes...
The angle between two planes when the planes intersect at a point is the acute angle fixed by the normal vectors of the planes.
9 planes in Cube 3 Planes in Cuboid
Of course, planes can fly.
war planes
parallel planes
No, but they are part of planes.
No it was not till 1903 that planes were invented No it was not till 1903 that planes were invented.