There are 3 syllables. Di-plo-ma.
Explosion has three syllables: ex-plo-sion.
08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.
Child is the full form of child.
simplest form, reduced form, free form
Palestine liberation organization
PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization PLO means: Palestine Liberation Organization
yes i do like plo
Thousands dead and the Oslo Accords of 1993, granting the PLO the authority to form the Palestinian Authority and negotiate with Israel over the future of the Palestinian people.
The full form of PLO may vary depending of the context. Some of the common ones include Palestine Liberation Organization, Public Land Order, Prison Law Office, Primary Learning Outcome and so much more.
Plo Koon never had a Padawan.
PLO wants to destroy Israel and all of it's people.
As both Jedi Masters, Plo Koon and Kit Fisto would likely prefer to find a peaceful resolution rather than engage in lethal combat. Ultimately, it would be up to the circumstances of their interaction and their respective decisions.
They are in palistine
In 1993 the PLO recognized Israel's right to exist in peace, at the culmination of the Oslo Accords. In return, Israel immediately recognized the PLO as the official representative of the Palestinian People and the basis for a Palestinian State.
The main aim of the PLO is to establish a Palestinian state and to rid the world of Israel.