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Q: When did the factory act stop children between 8 and 13 working more than 6.5 hours a day?
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What were the factory acts?

The Factory Acts were a series of acts put into place by the Parliament to limit the number of working hours to women and children.

What did the British factory act do?

The British factory act limited the working hours of children and women to a maximum of 10 hours per day. The act was passed in 1847.

What did the British acts do?

The British factory act limited the working hours of children and women to a maximum of 10 hours per day. The act was passed in 1847.

What were some of the main points of the English Factory Act of 1833?

The Factory Act of 1833 in England was designed to prevent the abuse of factory workers. Some of the main points of this act were: A. It applied to all textile factories; B. Prohibited employers from hiring children under age 9; C. Prohibited working children between the ages of 9 to 13 for more than 9 hours per day; and D. Prohibited working 13 to 18 year old children more than 12 hours per day. The law also called for strict inspections and enforcement.

What did the children do at the factory's?

The children worked long hours, often in dangerous conditions, with little pay and no access to education or proper healthcare. Many children suffered physical and emotional abuse while working in the factories.

How did child labor laws try to improve working conditions for child factory workers?

This happened through setting age limits, limiting the number of hours worked, and controlling the type of work children performed.

In 1847 what was the maximum number of working hours per day for women and children?

16 hours

What was a farmers working conditions like in 1900?

Children worked when they were to poor. Many died from factory fumes, and others were injured from the machines. Some places, such as a ribbon factory, had temperatures of over 200'F!

What was a common characteristic of factory work?

Workdays of 12 hours or more The employment of large numbers of women and young children. Dangerous working conditions around large machines Very strict schedules with few breaks

What was common characteristics of factory work?

Workdays of 12 hours or more The employment of large numbers of women and young children. Dangerous working conditions around large machines Very strict schedules with few breaks

Harsh working conditions for British factory workers in the 19th century?

The harsh working conditions for British factory workers in the 19th century include long working hours, for as long as 16 hours a day, and physical punishment to make workers speed up production. Since machines were not designed for safety, many fatal accidents resulted.