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The British were heavily indebted due to the French and Indian war, so they used any means possible to tax the colonists in order to pay off this debt. The stamp act originated in 1765, taxing everything from stamped documents to newspapers to playing cards. This was the tax that sparked the famous American revolution, and it caused a heavy boycott of british goods. Parliament was losing money, but so were the angry british merchants who were not receiving any payments. The merchants pushed the king to finally abolish the tax in 1766.

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What is is the stamp act?

The act taxed documents such as newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents,decks of cards, and even dice. All these documents had to carry around a stamp showing the tax had been paid.

What act taxed legal documents diplomas wills marriage licences playing cards dice almanacs?

the stamp act of 1765 placed tax on things such as legal documents, playing cards, and dice

What did the stamp act stamp?

The stamp act taxed wills, diplomas, and marriage license. It taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, and dice too.

Did the stamp act document have a stamp?

yes but the stamp act was an act put into place to tax things such as newspapers, tea, playing cards, etc.

What did the Stamp Act put tax on?

the stamp act put a tax on stamps, newspapers, playing cards and legal documents

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The Stamp Act

What passed in 1765 but name 8 items that which were taxed?

the stamp act, letters, newspapers bills, decks of cards, legal documents, dice, calenders, cloth. posted by ninga2003

What items were taxes in the stamp act?

The Stamp Act of 1765 taxed legal documents, licenses, commercial contracts, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards...

Was the stamp act of 1765 a revolution?

The stamp act in the revolutionary war taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, dice, etc.. After paying this tax, colonists received a stamp proving they have paid the tax.

What are three goods taxed by the stamp act?

Practically anything that was printed such as documents, newspapers, even playing cards.

How would you describe the stamp act?

Taxed printed documents, such as newspaper, college diplomas, and even playing cards

Why was the stamp act so unpopular among colonists?

Because the stamp act placed taxes on everything the colonists used.