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because u have moved the decimal one place therefore you will need to add a zero to fill in the space

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Q: When dividing a decimal by a decimal why do you need to had a zero to the right?
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When dividing a decimal by a decimal why is it sometimes necessary to add a zero to the right of the decimal point in the quotient?

Because when you want to divide a decimal by a larger number, like 3 divided by 5, you need to add a zero to make the 3, 30, so you can divide, but then the quotient has to be a decimal because 5 does not go into 3 evenly

What are the steps in multiplying and dividing multiplies by 10?

To multiply by 10, add a zero (move the decimal one place to the right.) To divide, take a zero away (move the decimal one place to the left.)

What do you do when there is a remainder when your dividing decimals?

add a zero to the end (only if it'safter the decimal) and continue dividing

Why is it sometimes necessary to add a zero to the right of the decimal point in the quotient when your dividing by a decimal?

significant figures. you'll learn how to use significant figures in high school chemistry.

How do you multiply by 5?

As 5 = 10 ÷ 2: I usually multiply by 10 (by shifting the decimal point one digit to the right, adding a zero if it was originally at the end of the number) and then dividing by 2.

How do you write 4 thousandths as a decimal?

You write it as 0.004 because to the left of the decimal point is ones, to the first zero to the right of the decimal point is tenths, to the second zero to the right of the decimal point is hundredths, and so on.

How many zero can be put for a decimal while dividing a small number by a big number?

As many as required: there is no limit.

When is zero significant?

A.when its between two digitsB.When it is right to the right of the decimal and it follows a non-zero digit.

What place is the second zero after the decimal place called?

The second zero to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths (1/100) place.

What is 0.63 times 10?

6.3; you move the decimal to the right one time for each zero (in a number divisible by ten) you multiply by. ex: 0.63 times 100= 63.0; times 1,000= 630.0; times 10,000= 6,300.0 move decimal to the left if you are dividing.

What is the least possible decimal greater than zero?

There is no such thing.Choose any positive decimal - as small as you want. You can always create one that is even smaller, for instance, dividing it by 10 (adding an additional zero after the decimal point). For example, if you choose 0.000001, you can create a smaller decimal if you divide it by ten: 0.0000001. Since it is ALWAYS smaller to create an even smaller positive decimal, it follows that there is no smallest such decimal.

Is dividing by zero equal to 1?

no dividing by zero equals to 0