If you are taking money, round up, if you are giving it, round down!
The largest remainder, when dividing by any integer, n is n-1. So, when dividing by 2, the largest remainder is 1.
The answer depends on what you are dividing by 11.
well i am still learning this but when you aredividing a numeral and the numeral could be a remainder when dividing by 9 you will get the answer "7" just study
The largest remainder, when dividing by any integer, n is n-1. So, when dividing by 2, the largest remainder is 1.
The answer depends on what you are dividing by 11.
you put that number as your remainder
you have to divide the remainder by the number you are dividing
When dividing 13 by 10, 1 is the quotient and 3 is the remainder
well i am still learning this but when you aredividing a numeral and the numeral could be a remainder when dividing by 9 you will get the answer "7" just study