A fraction
The number of parts that make up one whole.
The one where the numerator and the denominator are the same number.
125 is equivalent to the fraction 125/1. Also, any whole number is the same if put over one, because the fraction dividor (/) represents divide, and 125 divided by 1 is 125.
It is a mixed number as for example 2 and 3/4
A fraction
The number of parts that make up one whole.
The one where the numerator and the denominator are the same number.
A whole one represents a complete unit, such as one whole pizza. Three tenths, on the other hand, represents a fraction of a whole, where the whole is divided into 10 equal parts and you have 3 of those parts. In terms of decimals, a whole one is represented as 1.0, while 3 tenths is represented as 0.3.
1/2 is finite. It represents a quantity called "one half".
That the numerator and the denominator have the same value.
125 is equivalent to the fraction 125/1. Also, any whole number is the same if put over one, because the fraction dividor (/) represents divide, and 125 divided by 1 is 125.
The decimal point indicates that the number to the right of it represents the fraction of 1 that is added to the whole number (13). In this case, the fraction is one hundredth of one, making the entire number "Thirteen and one hundredth."
It is a mixed number as for example 2 and 3/4
When multiplying a fraction by a whole number, you should rewrite the whole number as a fraction. Do this by placing the number over a denominator of one.
No. Fraction is one, whole, single word.