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Never, because there is no such distribution.

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Q: When do you use nomial distribution?
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The definition of commercial distribution is USE Economic distribution. It is any distribution of human drugs with the exception of the use for investigational use. The term refers to distribution of devices meant for human use.

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It is necessary to use a continuity correction when using a normal distribution to approximate a binomial distribution because the normal distribution contains real observations, while the binomial distribution contains integer observations.

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To quickly see which country has the most people, you should use a population distribution map.

How do you say 'polynomial' in Bulgarian?

polyNOMIAL or polyNOMINAL. Nomial in Bulgarian means nothing. Pls. check and ask the question again.

Why you use z distribution?

A z distribution allows you to standardize different scales for comparison.

For the normal distribution does it always require a continuity correction?

Use the continuity correction when using the normal distribution to approximate a binomial distribution to take into account the binomial is a discrete distribution and the normal distribution is continuous.

What are the differences between discrete and continuous distribution?

discrete distribution is the distribution that can use the value of a whole number only while continuous distribution is the distribution that can assume any value between two numbers.