

When do you use probability?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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12y ago

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its easy idiots, you use it when guessing :)

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Q: When do you use probability?
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What is the probability of not rolling a seven?

That depends on how many dice you use. For example, if you use a single die, the probability is 100%.

What jobs use probability and how do they use it?

every sector that wants to exploit the ignorant mass, (ab-)uses probability

What is a card game that involves probability?

Snap, bridge games use probability.

How do you use probability to help humankind?

there is a large probability that mankind will come to an end

How companies use probability?

Companies use probability in many different ways. For example, they may use it for quality control, or for risk analysis.

Use of probability in computer science and information technology?

application of probability in computer science

Why is it important to understand probability?

it is important to understand probability you may lose a good chance of winning something if you dont get or use probability at that time

When do you use poisson probability?

When you have independent events which have a constant probability of occurrence over an interval of space or time.

What do you use to calculate probability?

Probability is the ratio of the count of anticipated outcomes divided by the count of all outcomes.

What do scientist use to predict the locations of electrons of atoms?

they use probability

When would you use probability in everyday life?

Weather people use probability to predict weather in the future based on passed recent weather and by clouds and winds

What is the difference between theoretical probability and empirical probabilities?

empirical probability is when you actually experiment with it and get data values, and theoretical probability is when you use math to make an educated guess.