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If you're starting a sentence with a quote that does not start with a capital letter, you can put the first letter of the quote in brackets to indicate that it was not originally capitalized.

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Q: When do you use square brackets to indicate a capital letter?
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What does the capital letter in a Punnett square represent?

In a Punnett square, a capital letter represents a dominant allele.

What does a capital letter such as T represent in a pundit Square?

A capital letter in a Punnet Square represents a dominate allele.

What is the correct name for square and squiggly brackets?

* round brackets, open brackets or parentheses: ( ) * square brackets, closed brackets or box brackets: [ ] * curly brackets, squiggly brackets, swirly brackets, braces, or chicken lips: { }

What is used to indicate when words have been inserted in a direct quote that were not written by the author?

Usually, square brackets, as in "President [Obama] was not amused"

Any change in the original version of a quotation must be placed in what?

Any changes in the original version of a quotation must be placed in square brackets to indicate that the words have been added, removed, or altered.

What is the correct usage of square brackets?

Square brackets are used for citations in formal pieces of text. Instead of using normal brackets, the square brackets signal something that has been added in after publishing.

How do you acknowledge you are changing a word in a quote?

To acknowledge that you are changing a word in a quote, you can use square brackets to indicate the alteration. This helps to maintain the original context of the quote while making it clear that you have made a modification.

What does a punnet square capital letter stand for?

A capital letter in a punnet square stands for a domminant trait, or one that will most likely appear. --Stew Pidacel

How do you use square brackets in a sentence?

Square brackets are used inside regular parentheses, in a sentence.

What kind of letter in punnett square stands for a dominant gene?

capital letter

Names of brackets?

* round brackets, open brackets or parentheses: ( ) * square brackets, closed brackets or box brackets: [ ] * curly brackets, squiggly brackets, swirly brackets, braces, or chicken lips: { }

Parentheses or brackets are called?

They are a form of punctuation. Here are some examples of brackets: ( ) - parentheses [ ] - brackets or square brackets { } - braces or curly brackets < > - angular brackets