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Q: When does a baby recognize faces?
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Can hornets remember faces and use this ability to recognize individuals?

Yes, hornets can remember faces and use this ability to recognize individuals.

Is there a baby with 2 faces?

yes. i once had a baby with 2 faces

How did Helen recognize people?

feeling of their faces or their clothes.

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Can yellow jackets recognize faces?

Yes, yellow jackets can recognize faces. They have the ability to distinguish between different individuals, including humans, based on their unique facial features.

Can bearded dragons recognize faces?

Yes, bearded dragons have been shown to recognize faces, particularly of their owners or frequent handlers. They can distinguish between different individuals based on facial features and behavior.

Do hornets have the ability to remember faces?

Yes, hornets have the ability to remember faces. They can recognize individual faces and use this information to identify threats or familiar individuals.

What actors and actresses appeared in Baby Faces - 1927?

The cast of Baby Faces - 1927 includes: Al Alt

Why is a mother important in a new born baby's life?

the mother is important as the baby will recognize her voice from when he/she was in the womb and they are important times as the baby will start recognize who her mother and father are.

What Abilities that infants are born with such as the ability to recognize faces are known as abilities.?


Do hornets have the ability to recognize faces?

Yes, hornets do have the ability to recognize faces. They can distinguish between different individuals, including members of their own colony and potential threats. This helps them communicate and cooperate with each other effectively.

Do baby snakes have faces?

yes they do