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When the pendulum is at its lowest point, it has the least potential energy. Therefore, logically, due to conservation of energy, its kinetic energy is at its maximum. Therefore its speed is also at its maximum, as well as its momentum (velocity x mass).

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Q: When does a pendulum have the most momentum?
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What causes a pendulum to swing?


Does a pendulum get slower when it loses momentum?

Yes, a pendulum will slow down as it loses momentum due to the effects of friction and air resistance. This will cause the pendulum's swing to become shorter and take longer to complete.

When does a pendulum swing have the most momentum?

A pendulum has the most momentum at the lowest point of its swing, where it is moving fastest, due to the combined effect of its velocity and mass.

How does the height of pendulum affect momentum of the lump of clay?

As the length of a pendulum increase the time period increases whereby its speed decreases and thus the momentum decrease.

What happens to the gravitational potential energy as the pendulum starts back up towards its highest point?

The pendulum's momentum or kinetic energy is converted to gravitational potential energy until all of the kinetic energy is converted. The pendulum stops.

What are examples of momentum?

A car moving at a high speed has momentum. Similarly, a swinging pendulum also possesses momentum. Additionally, a basketball player running towards the basket and then jumping to make a shot demonstrates momentum.

Does weight affect the swinging speed of a pendulum?

The period of the pendulum is dependent on the length of the pendulum to the center of mass, and independent from the actual mass.The weight, or mass of the pendulum is only related to momentum, but not speed.Ignoring wind resistance, the speed of the fall of objects is dependent on the acceleration factor due to gravity, 9.8 m/s/s which is independent of the actual weight of the objects.

Why is it important that a pendulum in a clock is heavy?

A heavier pendulum swings with more inertia, which helps regulate the clock's movement and keep time accurately. The weight also increases the pendulum's momentum, making it less affected by external factors like air resistance or friction.

How does the Foucault pendulum work?

A Foucault pendulum demonstrates Earth's rotation by swinging in a consistent direction while the Earth rotates beneath it. The pendulum's swing appears to change due to the rotation of the Earth, creating a clockwise or counterclockwise motion depending on the hemisphere. This phenomenon reflects the inertia and conservation of angular momentum in the rotating reference frame of the pendulum.

Whether the period of a pendulum is influenced by the point from which it is released?

Yes as the momentum is greater although now that i think about it it may only effect the speed only

Is the ending and starting height of the pendulum exactly the same?

No, the ending height of a pendulum swing is typically lower than the starting height due to energy loss to air resistance and friction at the pivot point. This loss of energy causes the pendulum's amplitude to decrease over time.

How can pendulum oscillate in vacuum even there is no gravity?

A pendulum can oscillate in a vacuum even in the absence of gravity because the motion of a pendulum is governed by its own momentum and inertia, rather than by external forces such as gravity or air resistance. As long as the initial push sets the pendulum in motion, it will continue oscillating back and forth due to its own energy, even in a vacuum.