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Q: When does country x have an absolute value over country y in the production of corn?
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When does country x have an absolute advantage over country y the production of corn?

Country x has an absolute advantage when it can produce corn at a lower cost than country y.

When does Country X have an absolute advantage over Country Y in the production of corn?

Country X can grow corn more cheaply than Country Y.

Who is the leading country growing corn?

The United States, where 60% of the world production is grown.

What city of Mexico grow the most corn?

Sinaloa is the state with the largest production of corn in Mexico. Its capital Culiacan is also close to the most productive corn fields in such country.

What are the three ''belt's'' of agriculture in the Midwest?

The three main "belts" of agriculture in the Midwest are the Corn Belt, the Wheat Belt, and the Dairy Belt. The Corn Belt is known for its production of corn and soybeans, the Wheat Belt for its wheat production, and the Dairy Belt for dairy farming and milk production. These regions play a vital role in supplying the country's food and agricultural products.

How much of the US corn crop is used for ethanol production?

As of 2011, approximately 45% of US corn production is being used for ethanol production.

What is crop production?

It is just the production of crops such as corn and oats.

What state which is south of the Dakotas is known for its production of corn?

Nebraska is a state located south of the Dakotas and is known for its production of corn.

What is most important crop in Pennsylvania?

Corn is the most important crop in Pennsylvania, both in terms of production volume and economic value. It is used for various purposes such as livestock feed, ethanol production, and food products.

What state is leading in corn production?


What state leads in corn production?


What percentage of corn is used for ethanol in the US?

Approximately 38% of corn produced in the US is used for ethanol production.