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Q: When does it makes scense to chose a linear function to model a set of data?
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When does it make sense to chose a linear function to model a set of data?

If a linear model accurately reflects the measured data, then the linear model makes it easy to predict what outcomes will occur given any input within the range for which the model is valid. I chose the word valid, because many physical occurences may only be linear within a certain range. Consider applying force to stretch a spring. Within a certain distance, the spring will move a linear distance proportional to the force applied. Outside that range, the relationship is no longer linear, so we restrict our model to the range where it does work.

Is y equals -5x plus 3 a linear function?

Yes, y=-5x+3 is a linear function. We know that by two factors. First, if you plot the function, you find that it draws a straight line, hence the term linear. Second, if you inspect the non-constant terms, you find that all of the are in the first power, i.e. there are no "squareds", "cubes", square roots", etc. This also makes it s linear function.

What makes a function linear?

Neither variable appears anywhere in the equation in a denominator, or raised to any power except the first power.

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That makes no scense but left handed basketball players have an advantage overright handed players

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Whats Difference between linear equation to linear function?

A linear equation contains only the first power of the unknown quantity. Thus, 5x - 3 = 7 and x/6 = 4 are both linear equations. Linear equations have only one solution which is the value of the unknown that when substituted in the equation , makes the left hand side equal to the right hand side.Linear functions have the same limitation in terms of only containing the first power of the unknown quantity. They yield graphs that are straight lines and thus the name 'linear' is used. A simple linear function is f:x →2x + 1. This can also be written as f(x) = 2x + 1 or another identifying letter used such as y = 2x + 1. Consequently, for different values of the unknown quantity (in this case 'x') then the function also yields a different value.

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Data that makes a line Data that doesn't make a line