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Q: When drawing cards from a box if the selected card is replaced then repetitions are not allowed is this true or false?
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The answer depends on how many cards are drawn and whether or not each is replaced before drawing the next card.The answer depends on how many cards are drawn and whether or not each is replaced before drawing the next card.The answer depends on how many cards are drawn and whether or not each is replaced before drawing the next card.The answer depends on how many cards are drawn and whether or not each is replaced before drawing the next card.

What is another name for a multi-view drawing?

Views should be selected in multiview drawing to give the best shape description and contain the fewest

What are superseded drawings?

A superseded drawing is one that has been replaced by a newer or revised version. Superseding a drawing is a way of keeping the documentation and the paper trail accurate and complete. When superseding a drawing it is customary to indicate what drawing has superseded it.

Who replaced judah iscariot?

Matthias, by drawing lots (Acts 1:26).

What is the probability drawing an ace followed by a king?

If only two cards are drawn from a standard deck of cards, with the first card replaced before drawing the second, the answer is 0.005917 (approx). If the first card is not replaced, the probability increases to 0.006033.

What is the probability of drawing three jacks in a row if the card is replaced after each draw?

i hate stat

What is the probability of drawing 2 hearts in a deck of cards?

The probability of drawing the two of hearts is 1/52. The probability of drawing two cards that are hearts depends on whether or not the first card is replaced. If it is replaced, then the probability is (1/4)*(1/4) = 1/16 = 0.0625 while if it is not, the probability is (1/4)*(12/51) = 3/51 = 0.0588 (approx).

Are Muslims allowed to draw a mosque or is it haram?

It is halaal, there is nothing wrong with drawing a mosque or building.

Which tool is opened when Paint is opened in windows 7?

When you first start a new drawing,when Paint is opened the Pencil tool is selected automatically

What is the probability of drawing two hearts from a standard pack of cards is 3 divided 51 what is the probability that the two cards drawn are not both hearts?

The probability of drawing a heart from a fair deck is 1 in 4. If the card is replaced then the probability is again 1 in 4. The probability of drawing a card other than a heart is 3 in 4. Once again if the card is replaced then the probability remains 3 in 4