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length of a line represent the

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Q: When drawing graphical representation of vector the length of the line represent the and an and represent the direction?
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What does the term graph mean?

Graphical Representation. A drawing of the function

What is the vector diagram?

A vector diagram is a graphical representation that shows the magnitude and direction of vectors. It typically involves drawing vectors as arrows with appropriate lengths and angles to represent physical quantities like forces, velocities, or electric fields. Vector diagrams are commonly used in physics to visualize vector quantities and analyze their relationships.

What is a graphic representation?

Graphical representation refers to the use of charts and graphs to visually display, analyze, clarify, and interpret numerical data, functions, and other qualitative structures. For more details visit us at our website. Simran IT Services.

What is meant by single line diagram?

Single sine diagram is graphical representation of electrical circuit drawn using single line instead of drawing 3 separate lines for three phases.

What is the drawing of an electrical circuit called?

The drawing of an electrical circuit is called a circuit diagram, or schematic diagram. It is a graphical representation of the electrical components and their interconnections in a circuit. It uses standardized symbols to represent different components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, switches, and wires. The lines connecting the symbols in the diagram indicate the flow of electrical current through the circuit. Circuit diagrams are used to design, troubleshoot, and repair electrical systems, and can be found in technical manuals, books and online resources.

What is A drawing that is a smaller representation of a real object is called?

It is a scale drawing

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Would you agree with the text that drawing is the most immediate and effective art form to represent the intention of the artist?

Without being familiar with the text in question, I would not agree that drawing is the most immediate and effective art form to represent intentions of artists.Of course this is subjective, but I believe music and dance to be more immediate than drawing; and, as far as intent representation, writing would be much more effective.

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What does a flow chart drawing show?

It is a representation of an algorithm.

What is the purpose of an orthographic drawing?

The purpose of an orthographic drawing is to accurately represent an object in two-dimensional form using multiple views (front, side, top, etc.). This allows for a clear and detailed representation of the object's shape and dimensions for design and communication purposes.