To round any number, look at the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to. If the digit is 5 or more, change the digit in the place you are rounding to to the next higher digit. If the digit to the right of the place you are rounding to is less than 5, leave the digit in the place you are rounding to as it is. Change all digits to the right of the place you rounded to to zeros.
455 to 464
455 to 464
The estimated answer for 308 would be 300. When estimating, you round the number to the nearest place value you are estimating for. In this case, we are estimating to the nearest hundred, so we look at the hundreds place digit (3) and drop the tens and ones digits. Therefore, the estimated answer for 308 is 300.
round to the nearest whole # after estimating the square root
Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.
which three digit numbers round to 500 when rounded to the nearest hundred , and also round to the 460 when rounded to the nearest ten
455 to 464
455 to 464
All whole, three-digit numbers from 450 through 549 (when rounding to the nearest hundreds).
9999 rounds to 10000
The estimated answer for 308 would be 300. When estimating, you round the number to the nearest place value you are estimating for. In this case, we are estimating to the nearest hundred, so we look at the hundreds place digit (3) and drop the tens and ones digits. Therefore, the estimated answer for 308 is 300.
Estimating is a guess that should be close to the answer. Round is rounding a number up to the nearest ten, hundred. Example $345.89 round to the nearest dollar is $345.
round to the nearest whole # after estimating the square root
Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.
There are 9 numbers that fit the description. 455,456,457,458,459,461,462,453 and 454.