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Q: When estimating what number can you round pi to and multiplying easier?
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Related questions

How can estimating with compatible numbers help you find the quotient?

it makes it easier when u round

Why does it make sense to round a mixed number to the nearest whole number when estimating a sum or difference Could you round to the nearest one half instead?

Some people find it easier to add or subtract whole numbers but yes, you could round to the nearest half.

How much times does 38 go into 81 and estimate 38 to a easier number?

round 38 to 40 and get 80 by multiplying. Then, do 38 x 2 and you’d have to round to get about the same answer.

Why is estimating Not as helpful when multiplying very small numbers such as 0.007 and 0.053?

Estimating is not as helpful when multiplying very small numbers because the numbers aare very easy to answer

How are estimating and rounding different?

Estimating is a guess that should be close to the answer. Round is rounding a number up to the nearest ten, hundred. Example $345.89 round to the nearest dollar is $345.

What does estimating sums mean?

It means to round a number to the nearest whole number, tens, hundreds, etc.

What is a possible method for estimating 8.035x0.1544?

1) Round each number 2) Do the multiplication

How to round significant figures when multiplying numbers?

When multiplying numbers with significant figures, round the final answer to match the number with the least significant figures in the original numbers.

Estimating fractions to the nearest whole number?

If the fraction is less than half, round down. If the fraction is half or greater, round up.

How is estimating quotients different from estimating products?

Estimating quotients is like trying to guess how many slices of cake you'll get from a whole cake, while estimating products is like trying to figure out how much money you'll have after buying a certain number of cakes. In both cases, you're making an educated guess based on the numbers involved, but the end result is either a quotient (division) or a product (multiplication). So, in a nutshell, estimating quotients involves dividing and estimating products involves multiplying.

How do you do estimating sums?

When estimating sums, it is best to round to the nearest round number. If the last place on the right is less than 5, then round down. If the last place on the right is 5 or more, then round up. For example, 43+88. You would round the 43 down to 40 and the 88 up to 90. The estimated sum would 130.

What is the estimated answer for 308?

The estimated answer for 308 would be 300. When estimating, you round the number to the nearest place value you are estimating for. In this case, we are estimating to the nearest hundred, so we look at the hundreds place digit (3) and drop the tens and ones digits. Therefore, the estimated answer for 308 is 300.