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Q: When excel follows the order of oprations the formula 83 plus 2 equals what?
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When Excel follows the order of operations the formula 83 plus 2 equals?

83 + 2 = 85 (Excel formula: =83+2)

When Excel follows the order of operations the formula 8 multiply by 3 plus 2 equals?


When excel follows the order of operations the formula 8 times 3 plus 2 equals what?


When Excel follows the order of operations the formula 8 times 3 plus 2 equals?

(8 * 3) + 2 = 26

What do you have to put in a cell to denote an equation in Excel?

In Excel an equation can be a formula. All formulas in Excel must start with the equals sign. That is what tells Excel it is a formula.

How does Excel recognize that you are entering a formula into a cell?

All formulas must begin with the equals sign. That is how Excel knows it is a formula.

When excel follows the order of operation 8x3 plus 2 equals what?


What type of entry does Excel assume you are?

Excel assumes data is text initially, but can treat it differently depending on the way you enter it. That is why you enter an equals sign at the beginning of a formula to indicate to Excel that you are creating a formula.

Why you start a formula with an equal sign?

Without it, Excel will treat what you type in as a number, date or text. What you type will then literally appear in the cell. All functions start with letters. If the first thing you type is a letter, then it would be treated as text. The equals sign tells Excel to do the calculation that follows it. If you try typing any formula or function without an equals sign it will just appear in the cell and not do a calculation.

When Excel follows the order of operations the formula 8 2 plus 5 equals?

The order of operations is BODMAS; Brackets; Other; Division; Multiplication; Addition; Subtraction. Therefore for the calculation 8*2+5, excel will do 8x2 first, then add five, yielding 21

What if you don't enter equals before formula in Excel?

Then it will not be treated as a formula. It will appear literally as you type it. Because cell references and functions begin with letters Excel needs the equals sign to tell it that what is following is a formula and not just a piece of text. You can actually also start a formula with a plus sign or minus sign, but an equals sign will automatically be added.

When you alert excel that you are entering a formula and not text you type a what preceding the formula?

Functions have a name followed by brackets. So when you have a name followed immediately by brackets, it is a function. On the worksheet it would also have an equals in front of it. In a module it would have the keyword Function in front of it.