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Use the quadratic equation: x = [-b +- sqrt(b^2-4ac)]/2a

The +- means you get two answers, one by adding, one by subtracting.

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Q: When factoring a trinomial that is in the format ax2 plus bx plus c?
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When factoring a trinomial that is in the format Ax2 plus Bx plus C the number that is represented by Bshould be viewed as the?

The coefficient of x

When factoring a trinomial that is in the format Ax2 plus Bx plus c the number that is represented by B should be viewed as the what?

sum of two numbers

When factoring a trinomial that is in the format Ax2 Bx C the number that is represented by B should be viewed as the?

The number represented by B should be viewed as the coefficient of the linear term (x) in the trinomial. This number affects the middle term in the factored form of the trinomial.

When factoring a trinomial that is in the format ax2 plus bx c the number that is represented by B should be viewed as the?

The general form of a quadratic expression is given as ax2+bx+c where "a" cannot equal zero and "b" is the coefficient of the variable "x" and also the sum of the factors of "c" when "a" is unity. Example: x2+5x+6 = (x+2)(x+3) when factored

Is x2 plus 14x plus 49 a trinomial?

In a word, yes. Any simplified form that has 3 terms is a trinomial, but is often in the form ax2 +bx +c where a,b,c are real numbers.

What is trinomial in satistics?

A trinomial is an equation of the form ax2 + bx + c. This is not just in statistics, it is in all of math and science. When they say trinomial, this is what they mean.

Choose three integers a b and c Now use a b and c to create a trinomial ax2 plus bx plus c Can you factor this trinomial How would you create a trinomial that will factor?

1, 5 and 6 x^2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3)

What is the example of quadratic trinomial?

[ Ax2 + Bx + C ] is one example.

How will you determine if it is a perfect square trinomial?

Write it in the form ax2 + bx + c. It is a perfect square if b2 = 4ac

What is a perfect square trinomial and how is it factored?

A trinomial of the form ax2 + bx + c is a perfect square if (and only if) b2-4ac = 0 and, in that case, it is factored into a*(x + b/2a)2

X2-14x plus 46 equals 0?

This is the generalized trinomial equation (aka quadratic):y = ax2 - bx - cBefore factoring, always check the discriminant of the quadratic equation, which is:b2 - 4acIf it is a rational square (16, 25, 196, 225), then it is factorable. If it is not, then it is not factorable.In this case, it is not, since the discriminant is equal to 2√3.Now, you will have to use the quadratic formula:(-b2 +/- √(b2 - 4ac))/2This will give you (14 +/- 2√3)/2

A definition of a perfect square trinomial?

A perfect square trinomial is looking for compatible factors that would fit in the last term when multiplied and in the second term if added/subtracted (considering the signs of each polynomials).* * * * *A simpler answer is: write the trinomial in the form ax2 + bx + c. Then, if b2 = 4ac, it is a perfect square.