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Q: When finding the product of monomial and binomial how is the degree of the product related to the degree of the monomial and the degree of binomial?
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How are the terms of binomial being squared related to the middle terms of the product?

ang bo3 niu

Why is finding the perimeter of a triangle related to finding the perimeter of a rectangle?

It is not in all but a trivial sense - that they are both to do with finding the perimeter!

What is binomial expansion theorem?

We often come across the algebraic identity (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2. In expansions of smaller powers of a binomial expressions, it may be easy to actually calculate by working out the actual product. But with higher powers the work becomes very cumbersome.The binomial expansion theorem is a ready made formula to find the expansion of higher powers of a binomial expression.Let ( a + b) be a general binomial expression. The binomial expansion theorem states that if the expression is raised to the power of a positive integer n, then,(a + b)n = nC0an + nC1an-1 b+ nC2an-2 b2+ + nC3an-3 b3+ ………+ nCn-1abn-1+ + nCnbnThe coefficients in each term are called as binomial coefficients and are represented in combination formula. In general the value of the coefficientnCr = n!r!(n-r)!It may be interesting to note that there is a pattern in the binomial expansion, related to the binomial coefficients. The binomial coefficients at the same position from either end are equal. That is,nC0 = nCn nC1 = nCn-1 nC2 = nCn-2 and so on.The advantage of the binomial expansion theorem is any term in between can be figured out without even actually expanding.Since in the binomial expansion the exponent of b is 0 in the first term, the general term, term is defined as the (r+1)th b term and is given by Tr+1 = nCran-rbrThe middle term of a binomial expansion is [(n/2) + 1]th term if n is even. If n is odd, then terewill be two middle terms which are [(n+1)/2]th and [(n+3)/2]th terms.

How are finding percent s and cm on a meter stick related?

They are related because all you have to move the decimal to get either one.

What are some good resources for prime-finding algorithms?

See the related link.

Related questions

How are the terms of binomial being squared related to the middle terms of the product?

ang bo3 niu

What is the binomial system used by scientists?

The related link should help you.

Are pandas related to zebras?

no, because pandas are classified ursus in binomial nomenclature and zebras are not.

How are binomial nomenclature and phylogeny related?

Binomial nomenclature and phylogeny both have to do with organisms. The former refers to the modern scientist's system for naming organisms. The latter is about how an organism evolved over time.

How can you approximate a binomial distribution to a poison distribution when the number of binomial trials became large enough?

The Poisson distribution with parameter np will be a good approximation for the binomial distribution with parameters n and p when n is large and p is small. For more details See related link below

Why is finding the perimeter of a triangle related to finding the perimeter of a rectangle?

It is not in all but a trivial sense - that they are both to do with finding the perimeter!

In option pricing when the binomial result equal to black scholes result?

When the binomial tree has a large numbers of steps (i.e. the time interval between nodes is very small). The spreadsheet in the related link prices options using Black-Scholes analytical equations and a binomial tree. As the number of steps in the binomial tree increase, the results of both approaches becomes equal to many decimal places.

In binomial nomenclature the genus functions as what?

In binomial nomenclature, the genus represents the first part of the scientific name and groups together species that are closely related and share certain characteristics. It is a level of classification above species and below family.

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Mentioned a major product related strategies for two wheeler

What is the taxonomy of a whooping crane?

They are in the Gruidae Family, with the genus Grus.Their binomial name is Grus americana.See the related link below, please:

What product is not related to medicine?

A toaster is not related to medicine.

How are observation and inference related?

both have to do by finding information