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Consider the Earth as a sphere - the fact that it is oblate is only of minor significance. The shortest route on the surface of a sphere is an arc of the Great Circle. This is a circle whose centre is at the centre of the sphere and which passes through the start and end points.

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Q: When flying from Florida (1) to the Philippine Islands (3) why does the shortest route pass through Alaska (2)?
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Who owns the Philippine Islands?

The Philippine Islands belong to the Filipino people as a sovereign nation. The government of the Philippines exercises authority over the territory.

What states do you drive through from Dallas Texas to Florida?

From Florida to Texas via the shortest route - you would pass through... Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

What route might ship sailing from the Philippine islands to Florida take?

One route would be east and go through the Panama Canal or round Cape Horn, otherwise it could could sail west

What are the landforms in Florida?

There is a lake, islands and the entire state of Florida is a peninsula. Plus there is a river that runs through northern Florida.

In the battle whom killed the Magellan by sword or something else?

by a group of natives on Philippine islands who killed him with a spear through his foot and a poisond arrow through his heart

When flyin from Florida to Philippine why does the shortest route pass through Alaska?

The answer lies in Non-Euclidean geometry (spherical geometry). Florida, the Philippines, and Alaska are three collinear points on a great circle, a great circle is the equivalent to a line in Euclidean(2-D) geometry. A great circle is also classified as the shortest distance from one point to another around a circle. Because the earth is round, the distance seen on a flat map is a lot further than the distance on a globe, due to distortion. Therefore, following the great circle that goes through the three collinear points of Florida, the Philippines, and Alaska, it is a shorter distance to fly over Alaska

How is the Philippine archipelago formed?

The Philippine archipelago is primarily formed through tectonic plate movements along the boundaries of the Philippine Sea Plate, Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate, and the small Philippine Mobile Belt. The collision and subduction of these plates result in the formation of volcanic arcs, trenches, and uplifted regions, creating the diverse landforms and islands that make up the Philippine archipelago.

What are some not so sensitive environmental modifications?

the Florida modifications through creating sea walls and jetties along the barrier islands

What islands did Magellan claim for Spain?

Among several, Magellan claimed the Philippine Islands for the nation of Spain. In all, the Philippines comprise some 7,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean.

What is the origin of the formation of Philippine island?

The Philippine islands were formed through a combination of tectonic plate movements, volcanic activity, and the accumulation of sediment over millions of years. The islands are located in a seismically active region due to interactions between the Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate, Philippine Sea Plate, and several other smaller plates. Volcanic eruptions and underwater volcanic arcs have also played a significant role in shaping the geography of the Philippines.

How was the Philippine literature during American Regime?

The American regime imposed the English language as the lingua franca in the islands through free public education.

What countries in north america does the tropic of cancer pass through?

The Tropic of Cancer passes through the North American country of Mexico, and through the islands of the Bahamassoutheast of Florida.*The Tropic of Cancer also passes through the western islands of Hawaii, a US state, but this is far from the North American mainland.Mexico and the Bahamas