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Q: When flying north or south or are you at odd or even altitudes?
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What altitudes should be Flying a Magnetic course of 180deg to 359 deg?

fly at even thousands plus 500 ft (4,500;6,500 ect)

Do routes that run north and south have even numbers?

North-south = odd numbers. East-west = even numbers.

What country is 3 inches north of Johannesburg?

South Africa. Even 30 MILES north, you are still in South Africa!

How did the invention of the cotton gin ultimately affect the North South relations?

The cotton gin increased production of cotton exponentially in the south. Which increased the economy in the south greatly. The south then began to increase in the number of slaves so they could produce even more cotton. The south was more wealthy then the north and it increased slave trade even more. The cotton gin made relations with north and the south even more tense.

Do airplanes flying different directions fly at different altitudes?

Yes. The rule is East-Odd and West-Even. This means that if youre flying any heading on the east side of the compass, you are supposed to cruise at an altitude that is odd-thousands plus 500 feet. 3,500 feet, 5,500 feet, 7,500 feet etc. And if youre flying any heading on the west side of the compass even thousands plus 500.... 4,500, 6,500, 8,500 and so on. The idea being that two airplanes approaching head on (which is the hardest to spot) will always be separated by 1000 feet of altitude even if they are not communicating with ATC or each other. In areas or flight conditions where aircraft are flying under the control of a tower or other air-traffic controllers, it is ATC's duty to keep aircraft separated, ATC will try to use the East-odd West-even rule when it is suitable, but is not bound by it by any means.

How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the south?

The cotton gin increased production of cotton exponentially in the south. Which increased the economy in the south greatly. The south then began to increase in the number of slaves so they could produce even more cotton. The south was more wealthy then the north and it increased slave trade even more. The cotton gin made relations with north and the south even more tense.

What did the north and south have in common?

Even though the North had a much higher population, the sizes of the North and South armies were comparable. Both sides also had ample food production during the war.

Was the balance between north and south kept even during The Missouri Compromise?

yes. Maine was added for the north.

What strengths did the North and South have in common?

Even though the North had a much higher population, the sizes of the North and South armies were comparable. Both sides also had ample food production during the war.

How did Taney's rulling further divide the North and the South?

Delighted the South, infuriated the North, drove the two sides even further apart, and brought war a step closer.

What is a continent in the southeast of north America?

South America is a continent located in the southeast of North America, separated by the Panama Canal.

Are interstate numbers going north and south odd numbers or even numbers?
