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If you are graphing speed over a period of time, speed goes on the y-axis and time goes on the x-axis.

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Q: When graphing speed which measurement is on the x axis and the y axis?
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The dependent variable will go on the x-axis.

Is the y axis the vertical line when line graphing?

yes, and the x-axis is horizontal

What informaton tells you about x-axis?

X axis is horizontal(right to left) and comes first when graphing on a coordinate plane

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Graphing is an important part of mathematics. However, all the names of each axis and planes can be hard. The x-axis is also called the horizontal axis.

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If you are graphing the results of an experiment, the dependent variable is on the vertical, or y-axis, and the independent variable is on the horizontal axis, or x-axis.

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the x and y axis in geometry is for graphing a line. the x axis goes horisontially, the positive on the right and the negative on the left. the y axis goes verticialy. the positive on the top, and the negative on the bottom.

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Coordinate graphing is a visual method for showing relationships between numbers.

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DRY MIX stands for: Dependent Responding Y-axis and Manipulated Independent X-axis.

What is the x-axis?

bottom line on a graph were a number or object is put when you are graphing. they are always labeled

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Mass is the independent variable and should be plotted on the x-axis.

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x = -2 is a vertical line, two units to the left of the y-axis.

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Ordered pairs are used in graphing, with the x axis first in the pair. Example: (5,7) (x,y)