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You put > if the answer is bigger and you put < if the answer is smaller the the first one

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Q: When greater than or less than is placed between expression?
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When a symbol such as less than or greater than is placed between two expression?

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What math symbol placed between 4 and 7 that give a number greater than 4 and less than 7?

Let n be the number between 4 and 7 then the required expression is written:- 4 &lt; n &lt; 7 The symbol used is a "less than" symbol and the expression is 4 is less than n which is less than 7. When the arrowhead points to the right &gt; then this is called a "greater than" symbol and we could put n &gt; 4 and 7 &gt; n.

When a symbol such as less than or greater than is placed between two expressions what is it called?

its called an inequality

How are greater than and less than signs mean?

They mean that the expression to the left of the sign is greater than or less than (as appropriate) the expression to the right of the sign.

What mathmatical symbol can be placed between 2 and 3 so that the resulting expression names a number between 2 and 3?

"less than or equal to". The symbol for less than is " &lt; " and for less than or equal to it is &lt; with a line under it

What math symbol can be placed between the 2 and 3 to make a number greater than 2 but less than 3?

It is: 2&lt;3 which means the numbers are greater than 2 but less than 3 as for example 2.5

What math symbol can be placed between the 2 and 3 in 23 to make a number greater than 2 but less than 3?

A Decimal Point.

What arithmetic symbol can be placed between 1 and 2 to make a number greater than 1 but less than 2?

Decimal point, giving 1.2

What math symbol can be placed between the 3 and the 4 in 34 to make a number greater than 3 and less than 4?

You can create an algebraic expression such as, 3 &lt; x &lt; 4. This is called an Inequality Statement. It tells you that the value of x is greater than 3 and less than 4. The open end of the sign is where the greater value number/quantity is placed and the apex is where the lesser value number/quantity is put. x &gt; 3.....x is greater than 3, consequently 3 is less than x..... 3 &lt; x x &lt; 7.....x is less than 7, consequently 7 is greater than x......7 &gt; x. The analogy with the equals sign is that we can write, x = 5 or 5 = x. The two equations mean the same thing.

Which is greater 1.40 or 14.0?

14 is. 1.40 is less than 14.0 because of where the decimal is placed.

What are the two conditions that will show an expression considered as an absolute value?

You must look at the condition when the expression is greater or equal to zero and the case (condition) when it is less that zero.

Kind of sudoku that has an inequalities?

There are at least two sudoku variants that use inequalities. One is greater-than sudoku, in which there are traditionally no given numbers and less-than and greater-than symbols are placed between cells. Another more obscure variant is greater-than killer sudoku, in which inequalities are placed between groups of numbers, indicating that the sum of one group is greater than the sum of another. is a great place to find both of these.