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When it's February.

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Q: When is a month 28 days and not 30 days?
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Related questions

How long is one month?

A month typically ranges from 28 to 31 days, depending on the month and the year. The average length of a month is 30 days.

How many day are there in a month?

There are 28, 30 or 31 days in a month

How many day are there in month?

it depends on which month some have 30 days and some have 28 days.

How much is a month?

28 30 or 31 days

What is human month?

A human month is 30 to 31 days sometimes. In a rare occasions it can be 28 days.

Are their eighty days in a month?

no there are 30-31 days and on February there are 28-29 days

Why are there 28 days in April?

There are 30 days in April, February is the month with only 28 days (with 29 days in a leao year).

You randomly select a month of the year What is the probability that you select a month with 28 or 30 days in it?

First we don't consider leap year There is 1 month with 28 days: february There are 4 months with 30 days: april, june, september, november So the probability to select a month with 28 or 30 days is (1+4)/12 = 5/12 If the year is a leap year then the probability is 4/12

Can 1 month equal 28 29 30 or 31 days?

One month can equal each of those numbers of days.

How many days are there between each full moon?

The time between full moons is about 29.5 days, which is known as the synodic month. This means there are approximately 29 or 30 days between each full moon.

What is the number of weeks in a month?

4 weeks if there are 7 days in a week, that would make only 28 days in a month. But as there are 30 or 31 days (28 days in Feb, unless it is a leap year) where are the other days?? It would be better to say 4.285 for a 30 day month and 4.428 for a 31 day month. 4 days for the standard February and 4.142 for a February with 29 days. And so, the answer relates to the question

How many months are in a day?

A month is not a fixed number of days, and any particular calendar month may be 28, 30, or 31 days in length (29, 30, or 31 in leap years). A month can also be defined as 1/12th of a year, but again this is not an even number of days (the average is 30.4 days). There are 7 months with 31 days, 4 months with 30 days, and 1 month with 28 days. 30 days: September, April, June, November 31 days: January, March, May, July, August, October, December February is the only month that has 28 days, but has 29 in leap years (which have 366 days)