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Q: When is it appropriate to use mode?
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What is appropriate mode?

Appropriate mode for WHAT?

Which formula is more appropriate to use between mean median and mode?

Each has its advantages and disadvantages and the answer will depend on the nature of the data.

Would you use mode and median measure for the central location would be appropriate to use for the data generated by a questionnaire?

If the information collected is nominative - eg what is your favourite colour - you have no choice but to use mode. A median may be an appropriate choice is there are outliers or if the data are on an ordinal but not in interval scale - eg small/medium/large or strongly disagree/disagree/agree/strongly agree.

What are the characteristics of a population appropriate for mean and mode?

The computation form for sample variance is?

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Which prompt represent the appropriate mode used for the copy running config startup config?

previlage mode i.e hostname#

Does mode median or mean accurately reflect typical?

In the appropriate context, they do.

What average is the least appropriate when the total number of values is small?

The mode.

Why do you use a mode to find out things?

Why do you use a mode?

Which prompt represent the appropriate mode used for the copy running-config startup-config command?

previlage mode i.e hostname#

When is the logical incrementalism mode of decision making more appropriate?

logical incrementalism

Which measure of central tendency would be most appropriate to use to describe the most common diagnosis among clients receiving treatment at an outpatient mental health clinic?
