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Every ordered pair is the solution to infinitely many equations.

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Q: When is it possible for an ordered pair to be the solution of more than one equation?
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The solution to a system on linear equations in nunknown variables are ordered n-tuples such that their values satisfy each of the equations in the system. There need not be a solution or there can be more than one solutions.

Which of the ordered pairs is a solution of 2x plus 3y equals 13?

Dear Questioner its not able to solve two variables for one equation, give one more equation. Thanks

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The solution set is the answers that make an equation true. So I would call it the solution.

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That equation has no solution. There is no possible number that's equal to 18 more than itself.

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Yes and sometimes it can have more than one solution.

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Definitely.The equation [ x^2 = 4 ] has two solutions.x = +2x = -2The square root of any number can be a positive number or its negative. The solution for a quadratic equation often has two different values. However having two different values is still a single solution.

Which ordered pair is a solution to the eqaution x plus 2 equals y?

I have a hunch that this was originally a multiple-choice question, and you haven't given us the list of choices along with the question. There are an infinite number of ordered pairs that solve this equation. Go back to the list under the question, find the ordered pair where the 'y' number is 2 more than the 'x' number, and that's your solution.

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The global solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a solution of which there are no extensions; i.e. you can't add a solution to the global solution to make it more general, the global solution is as general as it gets.

An equation has one solution?

A linear equation in one variable has one solution. An equation of another kind may have none, one, or more - including infinitely many - solutions.

A number that makes an equation true?

A number that makes an equation true is a solution. If there is more than one answer to an equation (such as an equation like): (x-2)(x+4)=0 then it is called a solution set (and in this case would be x={-4, 2}).

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what is the number that can replace a variable in a equation to make it a true equation? 8 letters this is not a good answer go look 4 a notha one

The solution 3x plus 4y equals 5?

With only the amount of information given in this one equation, it's not possible to calculate the value of 'x' or 'y'. One more equation is required in order to calculate both.