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3.14159265... or March 14th

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Q: When is pie day celebrated?
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Why is pie celebrated on march 14th?

because pie is good.

How was Christmas celebrated in 1700s?

By eating pie

What is ''pie day'' about?


What time is pie day celebrated?

3:14 in the morning or afternoon on 3/14 (march 14) because when pi is rounded to the nearest hundredth it is 3.14

What do you do on Pi day?

Pi Day can be celebrated by eating a pie, discussing topics related to pi, dressing in pi-ralated apparel, such as a shirt with the pi symbol on it, or doing anything else related to pi.

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The day celebrated after Diwali is "Brother's Day'.

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Boxing Day is celebrated on December 26.

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What day is Canada Day celebrated?

Canada Day is celebrated on July 1.

Is emancipation day celebrated in your country?

it is celebrated in all countries but it's not celebrated on the same day

World Environment Day is celebrated on which day?

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th every year.

Which day is celebrated as women's day?

in Russia it is celebrated on march 8th