To calculate it you multiply your cost by 0.94
If the cost is $100, then the price is $94
You'll save $2.58 on this item. This means the cost of the item to you is: $25.75 - $2.58 = $23.17
You'll save $91.00 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is:$130.00 - $91.00 = $39.00
You'll save $41.20 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $103.00 - $41.20 = $61.80
You'll save $58.50 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $90.00 - $58.50 = $31.50
You'll save $46.00 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $230.00 - $46.00 = $184.00
You'll save $2.58 on this item. This means the cost of the item to you is: $25.75 - $2.58 = $23.17
It depends on how much the cost of the 86 items are.
You'll save $14.85 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $99.00 - $14.85 = $84.15
You'll save $8.80 on this item. This means the cost of the item to you is: $20.00 - $8.80 = $11.20
You'll save $ 0.90 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is$6.00 - $0.90 = $5.10
You'll save $82.40 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $206.00 - $82.40 = $123.60
You'll save $9.99 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is:$49.95 - $9.99 = $39.96
You'll save $13.50 on this item. This means the cost of the item to you is: $45.00 - $13.50 = $31.50
You'll save $91.00 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is:$130.00 - $91.00 = $39.00
You'll save $41.20 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $103.00 - $41.20 = $61.80
You'll save $58.50 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $90.00 - $58.50 = $31.50
You'll save $46.00 on this item. This means, the cost of the item to you is: $230.00 - $46.00 = $184.00