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yes , if the light travel from less density to more density the speed will decrease

, the direction will change depend on the entered angle

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Q: When light enters a medium with a different refractive index they change speed or direction?
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What will be the effect of incident ray of light striking a rough surface compared to the same rays striking a smooth surface?

If the surface is completely reflective then the angle at which the incident light leaves the surface will be different. For a rough surface the light would be scattered, whereas for a smooth surface they would reflect at the same angle the hit. If the surface isn't completely reflective then the angle and speed and which the light enters the object. For a rough surface the angles will random and based on the refractive index of the material. For a smooth surface they will be proportional to the sin of the angle times the refractive index.

What is meant by dispersion without deviation?

when a ray of light enters two specifically arranged prisms and disperese i.e. splits into characteristic colours without suffering any deviation inside the prisms(the magnitude of deviation for both the prisms is same and in opposite direction, so net deviation is zero); its called dispersion without deviation...

Could a scientist use a prism to separate light into the colors of the spectrum?

Yes, anyone can use a prism to separate light into the colors of the spectrum. It is, in fact, fairly simple to do. You simply place the prism into a beam of light and orient it so that the light beam enters on face at an angle, travels through the prism approximately parallel to a second face, and exits the third face at an angle similar to its angle of entry. The light beam will now be deflected by a total angle which depends on the refractive index of the material from which the prism is made.

What happens when you get baptized?

If you truly get baptized , the holy spirit enters you and you are filled with it.

How is that any line intersecting the interior of a given circle is a secant of that circle?

Any line that enters a circle (and is not a tangent) must cross its boundary twice; once to enter, once to exit. Since a secant is a line segment that joins two different points on a curve, such a line as above is a secant.

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When a light wave enters into a medium of different optical density?

When a light wave enters a medium of different optical density, its speed and direction may change due to the change in the medium's refractive index. This change in speed and direction results in phenomena like reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light waves.

Why does light bend when it enters glass?

Light bends when it enters glass due to a change in speed caused by the difference in refractive index between air and glass. This change in speed causes the light to change direction, a phenomenon known as refraction.

Why do laser light bend when passing through water?

Laser light bends when passing through water due to a change in the speed of light as it enters a medium with a different refractive index. This change in speed causes the light to change direction, a phenomenon known as refraction.

Can paper refract light?

Paper cannot refract light because it does not have a specific refractive index like glass or water. Refraction occurs when light enters a medium with a different refractive index, causing it to change direction. Since paper is not a transparent material and does not have a consistent refractive index, it does not refract light in the same way as transparent materials.

Why does light bend when it enters a new medium?

Light changes speed and direction when it enters a new medium due to the change in the medium's refractive index, which is a measure of how much light slows down in the material. This change causes the light to bend because the speed of light is different in each medium it travels through.

What is the change of direction when a wave enters a different medium called?

The change of direction when a wave enters a different medium is called refraction. This is due to the change in speed of the wave as it moves from one medium to another, causing it to bend.

What is the change in the direction of light as it enters a different substance called?

The change in the direction of light as it enters a different substance is called refraction. This phenomenon occurs because light travels at different speeds in different mediums, causing it to bend at the interface between the two substances.

When light enters a different medium the amount that the light is bent as it enters the medium is determined by the medium index of .?

When light enters a different medium, the amount that the light is bent as it enters the medium is determined by the medium's index of..........=refraction

What happens to the speed light as it enters a different medium?

The speed of light changes as it enters a different medium due to the change in the medium's optical properties. This change causes light to either speed up or slow down depending on the medium's refractive index. The change in speed results in the phenomenon of refraction.

Why does the change in the speed of light change its direction while in water?

The change in the speed of light in water is due to the difference in the refractive index of water compared to air. When light enters water, it slows down due to the higher refractive index, causing it to change direction. This change in speed and direction is known as refraction.

When a ray enters or leaves a glassblock It may change direction?

When a ray enters or leaves a glassblock, it may change direction due to refraction. Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another of different optical density. This change in direction is caused by the difference in speed of light through the different mediums.

What is the term for the change in direction of the light as it enters the prism?

The term for the change in direction of light as it enters a prism is called refraction. This is caused by the light wave bending as it travels through the prism due to the change in speed caused by entering a different medium.