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Q: When looking at a linear graph in the coordinate plane how can the slope be determined as positive or negative?
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How does using coordinate geometry help you determine what type of quadrilateral you are looking at?

If your point is positive positive it is in 1. If tour point is negative positive it is in 2. If your point it negative negative it is in 3. And if your point it positive negative it is in 4.

What is the rule for multiplying and dividing integers?

i dunno if this is the answer youre looking for. negative x negative = positive negative x positive = negative positive x positive = positive same thing with dividing integers its really simple.

What are the factors that will equal negative ten?

factors are the numbers you multiply together to get a product in a multiplication problem. a positive times a positive = a positive a positive times a negative = a negative a negative times a negative = a positive since you are looking for negative 10, you need one factor to be positive and one to be negative. this could be: -1*10 -10*1 -2*5 -5*2

Is five and negative five equal or different?

It depends, if you are looking for the absolute value then it would be equal. It is different if it is negative and positive.

What is the difference between the positive area and the negative area in a work of art?

Area is actually called space. So it is negative and positive space. Positive space is the space that is taken by the objects. Negative space is everything else. You have probably seen the picture of two silhouette profiles of a face which look at each other. In the middle of the two faces you can see a vase shape. This is an illusion where negative and positive space flip back and forth in the viewers eye. If you are looking at the faces, the vase is considered the negative space. If you are looking at the vase, the faces become the negative space. Artists carefully consider the use of negative space and try to make the negative space as interesting as the positive space. You rarely see tiny objects in the middle of a huge canvas. It leaves too much negative space. Sometimes as an artist draws, he checks out the negative space as well as the positive to make sure he is rendering the objects correctly.

Related questions

How does using coordinate geometry help you determine what type of quadrilateral you are looking at?

If your point is positive positive it is in 1. If tour point is negative positive it is in 2. If your point it negative negative it is in 3. And if your point it positive negative it is in 4.

What is the rule for multiplying and dividing integers?

i dunno if this is the answer youre looking for. negative x negative = positive negative x positive = negative positive x positive = positive same thing with dividing integers its really simple.

What are the factors that will equal negative ten?

factors are the numbers you multiply together to get a product in a multiplication problem. a positive times a positive = a positive a positive times a negative = a negative a negative times a negative = a positive since you are looking for negative 10, you need one factor to be positive and one to be negative. this could be: -1*10 -10*1 -2*5 -5*2

What is negative 3 plus positive 2?

The answer you are looking for is negetive 1, (-1)

Is five and negative five equal or different?

It depends, if you are looking for the absolute value then it would be equal. It is different if it is negative and positive.

How can you tell which is the negative and positive legs on LEDS?

By looking at the legs. I don't bloody know.

What does a negative minus a positive equal?

A negative subracting a positive will end up as a negative. Explanation: If you have 3 negatives, you cannnot take 3 positives from it, so you need to add 3 zeros, (which are both negative and positive), to the negative side. The number zero means nothing, so it will not alter the question. KEY _ =negative + =positive _+ =zero _ _ _ needs _+ _+ _+ to subract + + + Once you take the 3 positives from the negative side, you will be left with 6 negatives _ _ _ _+_+_+ minus + + + leaves you with _ _ _ _ _ _ *NOTE* You may be thinking, "But the zero did count! It's symbol left a mark on the answer!". Wrong. Zero in math means nothing, and that is how it will stay. You only needed it because it had the positive sign you were looking for. But because it is both positive and negative, you will be left with a negative when you take away the positive, and a positive when you take away the negative. This is why a positive subracting a negative will equal a negative.

What is the term used to refer to the charge an ion has?

There is no exact term except negative or positive ion. Perhaps the term you are looking for is ionization.

Why cant there be negative numbers in Pythagorean theorem?

Because when you are looking for the hypothenuse, it will be bigger than both the numbers so it length will be in positives, and when you are looking for side a or b, it won't work with a negative because a negative and a positive will cause the number to be smaller.

What does not positive mean on blood screen result?

A test is "positive" when the test has found what it's looking for. A test that hasn't found anything is usually called a "negative". Not positive is a bit odd, but it too would mean that the test didn's find what it was looking for.

Is gaze a positive or negative connotation?

Gaze is more positive than "stare" or "ogle".

What are positive and negative numbers with no fractional parts?

It could be many things. The answer you may be looking for is , a rational number, or an integer.