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Q: When measuring a kitchen in linear ft do you also measure from bottom to top?
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What is the best tool to measure a desk?

It depends which property you are measuring. For linear dimensions a tape measure would be best

Does a yard stick or a tape measure measure sq. ft. or is there a special measuring tool?

A yard stick or a tape measure will measure linear distances: that is lengths in one dimension only. There is no specific tool for measuring area: you need to calculate area from the linear measures using various geometric formulae.

How do you measure for linear dimensions?

The sum of the width, height, and depth. SV

What are the 5 measuring tools?

ruler, temperature, tape measure, graduated cylinder, linear measurements

Which tool is best to measure linear distance?

A tape measure is the best tool for measuring linear distances accurately. It is simple to use and provides precise measurements for various projects.

Name 5 example of measuring instruments and their uses?

ruler, temperature, tape measure, graduated cylinder, linear measurements

What measuring tool do you use for an apple?

pH meter to measure the acidityruler or caliper for linear dimensionstape measure for the circumferencescale for the masscolorimeter for the hue or colorthermometer for the temperatureGeiger meter for the radioactivity...

How do i convert inches to linear inches?

In order to take linear measurements you will need a measure - a tape measure, yardstick or ruler. The type of measure you use will be determined by what you are measuring.

How do you measure the strength of a linear actuator?

The strength of a linear actuator is typically measured by the force it can exert, which is usually given in pounds or newtons. This force rating indicates the maximum load the actuator can push or pull. Other factors to consider when measuring strength include speed, stroke length, and duty cycle of the linear actuator.

What is the difference between inch and linear inch?

An inch is a unit of measurement used to quantify length, while a linear inch is the same as an inch and is used to measure one-dimensional distances, such as length or width. Linear inch is often used in the context of measuring the overall dimensions of an object in a linear fashion.

How many milliliters are in 1 centimeter?

There is no direct conversion between milliliters and centimeters since they are units measuring different things. Milliliters measure volume, while centimeters measure length.

Do you use cubic centimeters to measure volume?

Yes, Cubic Centimeters or (cc) is one way of measuring volume. However it isn't the only means of measuring volume. You could conceivably measure volume in terms of any unit used to describe linear distance (i.e.inch,meters,millimeters....)