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Q: When might it be useful to write in succinct way?
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The best way to acknowledge a bonus is to write a professional letter that is succinct. You want to highlight how you plan to continue performing at the same level in the future.

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The best way to write an informative email about a business accepting a proposal is to be succinct and to the point. It is important that you highlight major details of the proposal.

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Writing is a very useful skill because it is another way of commcation or to talk to people Was it useful to you to write this question?, Was it useful that you got a wrtten answer? There you go!

How do you write a sentence with the word usefully?

ther is no such word as "usefully" that would be terrible grammar, try "useful" that way you could write a sentence for example:: " it is useful to use a dictionary when writing a letter".

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It might help if you search the browsers to find if whether there might be or they might be not good luck and godless. Hope you might find this useful.

How does Paine use brief statements of truth to inspire his readers to fight for independence?

D. To sum up his points in a succinct and memorable way

What benefit do writing toys have for younger children?

The most obvious benefit is that they allow younger children to begin to learn to write in a way that is fun for them. This will be useful when they are asked to write in school in the future.

How is scientific notation useful to atsromeners?

1.9 X 1027 kilograms ------------------------ This is the mass of Jupiter. Try writing that out in longhand and you will see why scientific notation is useful to astronomers. Very large numbers in astronomy need a way to write them in a useful and compact form.

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They can obtain the news that way. They can learn about traffic conditions and weather. They can find out what is going on in their community.

How do you tell a girl in the 6th grade that you like her?

YOu don't. You show it. With your' heart or body language. Or a useful play of words. Maybe do the ZAP game. ZAP: Write a name on the person's palm. Write a time on the back of the hand. RULES: You can't look at the name before the time. If you do, you have to ask the person out. It is a great way to get a date, but it can end in a bad way. If you ask someone to do it to you with a certain person, they might tell that person you like them.

How do you write one thousand and nineteen in numbers?

Depending upon the particular context, you might write 1019, or you could put in a comma and write 1,019. It will mean the same, either way.

How do you write 13409?

The way you wrote it is just fine. You might want to separate the thousands with a comma, though.