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Q: When nearing an intersection marked with a yield right of way sign you are required to?
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When nearing an intersection marked with a yield right-of-way sign you are required to?

yield and look both ways

When nearing a intersection marked with a yield right-of-way sign you are required to?

slow down and be prepared to stop if there is traffic on the other road. If the way is clear of other traffic you can continue without a full stop

What is considered the right away on a minnesota county road?

If the intersection is not marked, the car to the right has the right of way. If the intersection is marked, then obey the signs. If one vehicle needs to yield to an on-coming vehicle, then the larger vehicle probably has the right of way. If it is during planting or harvesting time, be prepared to yield to farm vehicles.

When approaching or nearing an uncontrolled intersection you should?

Observe speed limits, slow down and be prepared to stop, if necessary. Give right of way to pedestrians and to traffic approaching from the right (unless signage indicates otherwise).

When is a bicyclist not required to ride to the right side of the road?

When setting up for a left turn at an intersection.

If you reach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as a driver on your right and both of you are going to go straight who has the right of way?

Note: the law does not allow anyone the right-of-way, it only states who must yield. If two drivers arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, the driver on the left should yield to the driver on the right. When someone is legally required to yield the right-of-way and fails to yield, other drivers are required to yield for safety.

Why are some crosswalks marked with diagonal lines?

These allow diagonal crossing. All vehicular traffic stops, and pedestrians are allowed to cross left, right, or diagonally across the intersection.

If you approach an intersection at the same time as another vehicle who has the right of way?

If it is an un-controlled intersection, the vehicle to the right has the right-of-way. In North America , the vehicle approaching the intersection on the right has the right of way, Yield to the car on your right.

When can you pass before an intersection?

When the intersection is clear and your direction has right of way.

What does it mean the vehicle on the right has the right away at a four way stop?

When it is stated that the vehicle on the right has the right of way at a four-way stop, it means that the vehicle approaching the intersection from the right should proceed first. This is a rule of priority that helps to regulate traffic flow and avoid accidents. The other vehicles at the intersection should wait for the vehicle on the right to go before proceeding.

What Traffic rules on road intersection?

The vehicle on the right has the right of way unless entering the intersection at an unlawful speed

What are lines that form right angles at their point of intersection?

Perpendicular Lines form right angles at their point of intersection