When you think of something rationally and not based on ones feelings or ore assumptions
2 hexagonal faces and 6 rectangular ones: making 8 faces in all.
The only one i can think of is the square - based pyramid, with 4 triangular faces and 1 square
It depends. A pyramid is a basic shape if you are reffering to the pyramids like the ones in Giza, Egypt those would be a square-based pyramid.
Kepler was Brahe's assistant from 1600 until Brahe's death in 1601. After Brahe's death, Kepler "stole" his data and worked with it for nine years until he came up with his final conclusion that the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun, which remained in place and was the center of the universe. Brahe's data and measurements were the only ones accurate enough for Kepler to come to this conclusion.
Quantitative observations are measurements, giving numerical answers. Qualitative ones produce simple descriptions, e.g. bubbles.
complex molecules are broken down into simple ones
You wouldn't let your dog suffer. Why would you let your loved ones?
You would get the data by making up a batch of cookies, baking some of them, and seeing if they taste the same as the unbaked ones (careful with this; if the dough contains raw egg, it could make you sick). The conclusions and results would come from your observations about the taste of the cookies.
yogurt is nice especially strawberry ones but to conclude i like cherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is the colour change, tempeture change ,gas produced the most common ones
Goals are based on ones ambition and hard work.
is the colour change, tempeture change ,gas produced the most common ones
Quantitative observations are measurements, giving numerical answers. Qualitative ones produce simple descriptions, e.g. bubbles.
At present there are no mopes but I would imagine either Eoin or Alan would be two of the bigger ones when they arrive.
Alice is only in the Resident Evil books based off of the movies. So yes.
wtfwhat two specific categories of observations did Charles Darwin record during his trip around the world?