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Recombinant chromosomes.

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Q: When one chromatid segment has formed a chiasma with a homologous chromatid segment what is the result?
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What is mitotic chiasma?

chiasma occurs in meiosis. Fascinating that I didn't answer this question but it's attributed to me so I guess I'll add some detail. Chiasma means crossing/intersecting and are the points where recombination occurs duting meoisis. (Crossing over does not occur in mitosis). Chiasma(singular) or chiasmata (plural) are formed during prophaseof meiosis I duing recombination and hold homologous chromosomes together at the sites where the exchanges of genetic material occur. These "connections: remain in place until until the chromosomes seperate during anaphase.

One of the two homologous strands of a chromosome?

A homologous strand of a chromosome is a duplicated copy of the original chromosome, formed during DNA replication. It contains the same genetic information as the original chromosome and is held together by a centromere. Homologous chromosomes play a key role in meiosis, where they pair up and exchange genetic material during crossing over.

Each strand of a double stranded chromosome--9 letter word?

Chromatid-- I think TETRADS-The four chromatids in each cluster during synapsis; formed by the two sister chromatids in each of the two homologous chromosomes.

When a chromosome has made a copy of itself each of the two strands is called this?

When a chromosome has made a copy of itself, each of the two strands is called a sister chromatid. Sister chromatids are identical copies formed during DNA replication and are joined at the centromere.

What structures are formed when homologous chromosomes pair off?


Are tetrad and homologous chromosomes the same?

No, tetrad refers to a group of four chromatids that are formed during meiosis by pairing of homologous chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes are chromosome pairs that code for the same traits but may have different alleles.

What is A strand of replicated DNA formed during prophase called?

A strand of replicated DNA formed during prophase is called a sister chromatid. Sister chromatids are identical copies of each other produced during DNA replication and are held together by a structure called the centromere.

What is one of the two strands of a chromosome that become visible during meiosis or mitosis?

One of the two strands of a chromosome that becomes visible during meiosis or mitosis is known as the chromatid. Each chromatid is an exact copy of the other, formed during DNA replication in the interphase preceding cell division.

A strand of replicated DNA formed during prophase is a?

A replicated DNA strand formed during prophase is called a sister chromatid. Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a single chromosome that are joined at the centromere. These sister chromatids will later separate during cell division.

How many chromatids are in a tetrad?

All tetrads contain four chromatids. Each "leg" is one chromatid.2Tetrad = 2 homologous chromosomes1 homologous chromosome has 2 chromatids joined together by a centromere.That means that there are four chromatids in a tetrad

What is formed by two endpoints?

A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.

A tetrad is composed of?

A tetrad is composed of four chromatids formed during the process of meiosis. These chromatids consist of paired homologous chromosomes that are in the process of genetic recombination.