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Q: When performing mathematical operations the final answer can only be as precise as the least precise number involved in the calculation. When adding and subtracting do we measure precision based on si?
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A counting frame is commonly referred to as an abacus. It is a calculation tool used for performing arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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The reflexive property states that any quantity is equal to itself. In mathematical terms, for any real number a, a = a. This property is essential in establishing equality and performing operations in mathematics.

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Because common denominators allow adding and subtracting of numerators. Improper fractions also have simplified rules over mixed numbers when performing multiplication and division.

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Performing calculations is part of the operations of a computer.?


What is a set of rules for performing a mathematical procedure called?

An algorithm, perhaps.

What is the mathematical definition for rule?

It is a method of calculating for performing an operation or solving a problem.