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Q: When point k is moved onto the minor arc between points i and j there is only one point where mkilmkjl what are the measure's of the angles kil and kjl at that point and why is this the only loc?
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What facts are true about spherical geometry?

The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is greater than 180 degree. There are many straight lines between any two nonpolar points. APEX! correct- The sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is greater than 180 degrees A circle can be drawn with any point at its center All right angles are still equal incorrect- There are many straight lines between any two nonpolar points

What is the sum of the measures of the angles formed by the coplanar rays with the common vertex but with no common interior points?

It is 360 degrees.

Which meter measures the potential difference in the circuit?

A voltmeter measures the potential difference between two points,whether or not the two points are in the same circuit.

Displacement measures the what between the starting and stopping points?

Displacement measures the shortest distance and direction between the starting and stopping points. It is a vector quantity that takes into account both magnitude and direction of the motion.

What measures the distance between two points?

A ruler or tape measure can be very useful.

How many sides would a regular polygon have if one of its exterior angles measures 30 degrees?

If one of its exterior angles is 30 degrees, then it is a star with 6 points and 12 sides. 360 degrees / 30 degrees = 12 angles It is a regular dodecahedron.

Do adjacent angles have common interior points?

Yes, adjacent angles do have common interior points.

How will you draw two angles in three common points?

if i put three points on the common arm ,then they are common points for both the two angles

How voltmeter works?

It is connected in parallel and measures potential difference.

Do barometer and voltmeter measure a wavelength?

A barometer measures atmospheric pressure. A voltmeter measures the difference in voltage between two points A wavelength has nothing to do with either of these measurements.

Which of the following are true in spherical geometry?

There are no parallel lines in spherical geometry. The sum of the angles of a triangle is always greater than 180 degrees. The shortest distance between two points is along a great circle. Two lines can intersect in more than one point.

Why volt meter is always placed in parallel?

Because the quantity it measures is 'EMF' or 'potential difference', that is,the difference in potential between two points. There may be 1 or 1,000circuit components between the two points.