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Q: When points in the scatter gram are spread evenly in all directions this means that?
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What occurs when diffusion has occured and molecules are spread out evenly in all directions?

When diffusion has occurred and molecules are spread out evenly in all directions, the concentration of molecules is the same throughout the system. This state is called equilibrium, where there is no net movement of molecules between regions. At equilibrium, the distribution of molecules is uniform, and there is no overall change in concentration over time.

What Matter in which the particles are free to move in all directions until they have spread evenly throughtout their container is a?

Liquid is the answer.

Why do light waves scatter?

Light waves can scatter when they encounter particles or irregularities in a medium. This scattering can occur due to interactions with the electrons in the particles, causing the light to change its direction and spread out in different directions. The degree of scattering can depend on factors like the size of the particles and the wavelength of the light.

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How does water scatter light?

Water molecules scatter light because they are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. When light enters water, it interacts with the molecules, causing it to change direction and spread out in different directions. This scattering of light is what makes the water appear clear or transparent.

What matter allows particulars to move freely in all directions until they have spread evenly throughout their container?

Gas certainty and liquid if the container is absolutely full.

Which graph shows how data are spread out?

A scatter diagram.

True or false in a homogeneous mixture particles are spread evenly?

In a homogeneous mixture particles are spread evenly.

What does ozone layer protect up from?

it protects us from solar radiation, which are charged particles/ waves that the sun fires out in all directions. If the ozone was spread evenly all over the planet it would only be a layer 2mm thick, but it is not evenly spread. One kilogram of CFC's destroys 70,000 kilograms of ozone.

What are the words with the same meaning as scatter?


What is a synonym for disseminate?

A synonym for disseminate is distribute or spread.

Why does light spread out as it gets further away from its source?

Light spreads out as it travels further away from its source due to a property called divergence, which causes the light waves to spread out in all directions. This spreading is a result of diffraction, where light encounters obstacles or openings that cause it to scatter or bend.