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Q: When putting away multiple pallets in drive in bays what goes first second then last?
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When putting away pallets of freight into multiple depth drive in bays what level of racking should be stocked first?

Top, middle, then bottom!

My 94 Ford Explorer will only drive after putting it in drive and letting it warm up what's wrong?

Your Ford Explorer will only drive after putting it in drive and letting it warm up because it has a mechanical problem.

What needs to be done after replacing a hard drive?

Generally, you would need to set up the drive. It starts with partitioning the drive, putting a file-system on it, and then putting data on it, perhaps data recovered from the old drive or the backups. It is was the primary drive, the OS would need to be installed.

If you are installing a second hard drive into a computer will it still work if you can't change the jumper to slave?

That would depend on certain variables, such as whether you were putting it on the same cable as the other drive. In IDE, you must have a Master drive on each channel. The second drive must be set to Slave. You were not clear in which drive you could not change the jumper. Assuming the drive in the computer is alone on the cable, it is set to Master, so your new drive must be either set to Slave and be placed on the same cable, or set as Master and placed on another cable.

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for putting floppy disks in it

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How much does it cost to fix the ring of death?

It doesn't have to cost anything. There are multiple ways on the internet to fix RROD like polishing the hard drive or unplugging the whole console (every plug in it) and then putting them all back in.

If a hard drive has slave-drive configuration it is probably?

The second drive.....

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Can you delete data from pen drive?

Putting it in the microwave, then turning it on.