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Negative numbers are smaller than 0, while positive numbers are greater than zero. Therefore, when ordering integers from greatest to least, positive numbers come first. Here is an example of a list of integers ordered from greatest to least:

99, 54, 26, 21, 14, 8, 2, -5, -14, -62, -87, -89, -92, -98

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Q: When putting integers into greatest to least what comes first negative or positive?
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What are the rules for putting integers in order from least to greatest?

First, separate the negative and positive integers (put them into two separate groups). If there is a zero, you can put it in its own group - or put it into the same group with the positive integers. Negative integers come first, then zero, then positive integers.For positive integers:An integer with less digits comes before an integer with more digits.For integers with the same number of digits, look at the first digit. The integer with the smaller digit in this position comes first.If the first digit is the same, look at the second digit. If those are equal, look at the third digit, etc.For negative integers, it is the other way round - for example, an integer with MORE digits comes first.

What is negative 9 minus positive 1?

it is -8 because you are putting a positive into a negative number

How would you show multiplying a negative number by a positive number?

by either putting the negative number first, or by putting the negative number in parentheses. Like this: -9*1=-9 1*(-9)=-9

How do you get rid of the negative sign from any number except for absolute?

You just take the sign away. Thus, -30 becomes 30.If you use a computer programming language, multiplying by -1, or putting a "-" in front of an expression, will change the sign.In math, if you have an expression, for example x, or x - 10, you can't just put "-" in front of it to get the absolute value; you don't know whether the entire expression is positive or negative, unless you know the value of x. In this case, putting vertical bars will specify an absolute value: | x - 3 | means that if x - 3 is negative, you want it converted to positive. In solving equations, you often have to consider both cases; that x - 3 (for example) is positive, and that it is negative.

Can integers be rational number?

Yes, they all are. A rational number is one that can be written as a fraction. Any integer can be written as a fraction by putting it on top (making the integer the numerator) and putting a "1" on the bottom.Yes. Absolutely EVERY integer is a rational number. A rational number is one that can be written as a RATI0 (fraction) of two integers. So for example, 7 is an integer but could also be represnted by 14/2 or 21/3 etc. Even 0 can be 0/7 or 0/91 etc.

Related questions

What are the rules for putting integers in order from least to greatest?

First, separate the negative and positive integers (put them into two separate groups). If there is a zero, you can put it in its own group - or put it into the same group with the positive integers. Negative integers come first, then zero, then positive integers.For positive integers:An integer with less digits comes before an integer with more digits.For integers with the same number of digits, look at the first digit. The integer with the smaller digit in this position comes first.If the first digit is the same, look at the second digit. If those are equal, look at the third digit, etc.For negative integers, it is the other way round - for example, an integer with MORE digits comes first.

When disconnecting battery which do you take off first positive or negative?

negative ( on all vehicles ) When putting on positive goes on first and negative last.

What is negative 9 minus positive 1?

it is -8 because you are putting a positive into a negative number

How would you show multiplying a negative number by a positive number?

by either putting the negative number first, or by putting the negative number in parentheses. Like this: -9*1=-9 1*(-9)=-9

When putting in new battery do you connect the positive term and then the negative?

Yes. That is correct.An easy way to remember/ installation is the opposite: When replacing battery: FIRST disconnect the NEGATIVE -Terminal (black) then the POSITIVE +(red) Installation:Connect the POSITIVE Term FIRST then the NEGATIVE Term.

When you are putting negative numbers in order from least to greatest what goes first?

The biggest negative goes first For example, -45, -3, 2, 24

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Generally the negative end of the battery goes up against the spring.

How do you teach the difference between negative numbers?

Put all the numbers - zero, positive, negative - on a number line. Positive numbers to the left, negative numbers to the right. The difference between any two numbers is represented by the distance between them. Thus putting numbers on a number line is a great visualization tool.

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Non-metals typically become negative ions when they form ions because they gain electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell. This results in a negative charge due to the extra electrons present in the ion.

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Odysseus demonstrates positive traits such as cunning and resourcefulness when he comes up with the idea to blind the Cyclops to escape. However, he also shows negative traits like arrogance and hubris when he reveals his true identity to the Cyclops, putting his men and himself in danger.

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The difference is that you are not putting down the union, you are uplifting the company. You are talking about the positive benefits or the organization vs. the negative benefit of a union.

Is there a negative and positive polarities on capacitors?

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