

When quoting more than 40 words?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: When quoting more than 40 words?
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When quoting more than 40 words a student needs to?

Block Quotes

When quoting more than 40 words a student needs to use?

Block Quotes

Is a quotation fewer than 40 words when it appears in a normal paragraph where the author's words do not have to be enclosed in quotation marks?

Exact quoting of an author should always be enclosed in quotation marks and cited. If you paraphrase, it does not need quotes. Fair use word count is something different than when to use quote marks.

What is a block quote and how do you identify it in a paper?

A block quote is a lengthy quotation that is set off from the main text by being indented from the left margin. Typically, block quotes are used when quoting more than four lines of text. You can identify a block quote in a paper by looking for the large indentation and no quotation marks around the quoted text.

What are two prime numbers that you can multiply to get 40?

You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 2 prime factors.

How many cups is 40 teaspoons equal to?

40 teaspons is .8541666666666667 cup. In other words, it's about a little more than 8.5/10 of a cup.

Is 5 more than 40?

No, 5 is less than 40

What are two prime numbers that you can multiply to get 30?

You cannot. 40 has more than 3 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 3 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 3 prime factors.You cannot. 40 has more than 3 prime factors.

Is 80 liters more than 40 gallons?

No, 40 gallons is more

Is 40 million or 4.2 million a bigger?

40 of anything is more than 4.2 of them. 40 million is 852% more than 4.2 million .

When A number is less than but more than 40 . it is divisible by 4 and when added to 19 what will be the resulting answer?

A number cannot be "less than but more than 40".

What is 20 more than 20?

"20 more than 20" means that you are adding 20 by 20. Then: 20 + 20 = 40 So 40 is 20 more than 20 because 40 - 20 = 20!