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experimental bias

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Q: When researchers desire to see positive results influence the outcome this is know as what?
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Something the effects the outcome of an experiment is called a?

A variable. Variables are factors that can change or influence the outcome of an experiment, and researchers often manipulate or control them to see how they affect the results.

What is major variable?

A major variable is a key factor in a research study or statistical analysis that has a significant impact on the outcome or results of the study. It is a variable that researchers are particularly interested in studying due to its potential influence on the research question being investigated. Identifying major variables helps researchers focus their study and interpret the findings accurately.

What is an experiment in which neither the participants nor the individuals running the experiment know if participants are in the experimental or the control group until after the results are tallied?

A double-blind experiment is one where both the participants and the researchers are unaware of who belongs to the experimental or control group until after the study is completed. This helps eliminate bias in the results by ensuring that neither the participants' nor researchers' expectations influence the outcome.

What is Experimenter expectancy effect?

Experimenter expectancy effect refers to the phenomenon where a researcher's expectations influence the results of a study. This bias can manifest in unintentional cues or behaviors that subtly influence participants' responses, thus affecting the outcome of the research. It is essential for researchers to be aware of and take steps to minimize this effect in order to maintain the integrity of their studies.

What describes the meaning phrase results support the hypothesis?

When results support the hypothesis, it means that the data collected in the study aligns with the initial prediction or proposed explanation. This is a positive outcome as it suggests that the hypothesis was likely accurate in predicting the relationship between variables. It adds credibility to the research findings and provides evidence to support the researchers' claims.

Is outcome like Results?

Well, results is the outcome of something and outcome is the results of something..... So yes they are alike.

Expectations that change how results are viewed?

Expectations influence how results are perceived by setting a standard against which outcomes are measured. Positive expectations can lead someone to interpret results more favorably, while negative expectations may cause a person to overlook positive aspects of the outcome. Our beliefs and mindset play a significant role in shaping how we view and interpret results.

Why is an experiment called a controlled study?

An experiment is called a controlled study because it involves manipulating variables under controlled conditions to isolate the effects of those variables on the outcome or results. By controlling other factors that could influence the results, researchers can more accurately determine the impact of the variables they are studying.

How is contingency planning beneficial in creating a positive outcome?

Control in a crisis is an elusive but vital quality. With an effective contingency plan in place you can achieve control in an emergency situation. Having a plan for the unexpected can help you to get the results you want and create a positive outcome.

What is a standard against which experimental results can be measured?

A control group serves as a standard against which experimental results can be compared. By keeping all variables constant except for the one being tested, researchers can determine the specific impact of the variable on the outcome.

Why is only one variable changed in a eperiment?

Changing only one variable in an experiment allows researchers to determine the specific effect that variable has on the outcome. This helps to isolate and understand the impact of that particular variable without the influence of other factors, leading to more accurate and reliable results.

Why is it important for researchers to know about the hawthorne effect?

It is important for researchers to know about the Hawthorne effect because it highlights the potential influence of subjects' awareness of being observed on study results. By being mindful of this effect, researchers can design studies to minimize its impact and draw more accurate conclusions from their research.