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The statement is true for some numbers.

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Q: When rounded to the nearest ten a number is 100?
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97 rounded to the nearest hundred is 100. 97 rounded to the nearest ten is 100

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97 will have the same result when rounded to the nearest ten or hundred.

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round 90 to the nearest ten

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Any number, however big (or small) can be rounded to the nearest ten thousand. 0, rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 0 5001 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 10,000 123,123,123,123,123,123 rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 123,123,123,123,120,000 and so on.

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It depends on the degree of rounding. To the nearest whole number, it will be 95. To the nearest ten, it will be 100. To the nearest hundred, it will be 100. To the nearest thousand, it will be 0.

Which is greater 3746 rounded to the nearest hundred OR to the nearest ten?

the 3746 rounded to nearest 100 would be 3700 and rounded to nearest 10 would be 3750 so definitely 3746 rounded to nearest 10 is greater than nearest 100.

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What is 99 rounded to the nearest ten?