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They move in a swirly way

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Q: When sails are rotating what shape are they moving in?
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What does a tranlation in a shape look lke?

Moving a shape, without rotating or flipping it. "Sliding". The shape still looks exactly the same, just in a different place.

What shape were the sails on a dhow?


What does the word translation mean in fourth grade?

A translation is the act of moving a shape on a graph without rotating it or changing its size. This can be done by moving each of the points that make up the shape the same distance in the same direction.

What does the word translation mean in fourth grade geometry?

A translation is the act of moving a shape on a graph without rotating it or changing its size. This can be done by moving each of the points that make up the shape the same distance in the same direction.

What happens to area and perimeter of a triangle when it is moved?

Just moving a triangle, or rotating, or even reflecting (without scaling) a shape will not change its area or its perimeter.

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Vela is a constellation in the southern sky and does not refer to a specific part of a ship. It is located near the constellation of Carina, which represents the keel of a ship.

How do you move a shape without turning it or flipping it?

To move a shape without turning or flipping it, simply shift its position along a straight line in any direction without rotating or reflecting it. This involves only moving the shape while maintaining its original orientation.

Why do windmills make noise?

Windmills make noise due to the rotating blades generating turbulence in the air, which results in a swooshing or humming sound as the wind passes through them. Additionally, mechanical components such as gears and bearings can also produce noise as they move and operate.

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What motion is and boat moving thought water?

The motion of a boat moving through water is a combination of forward propulsion generated by the engine or sails, and resistance from the water. The boat's hull shape and design affect its speed and efficiency, while factors such as wind, waves, and currents can also influence its motion.

Why star is moving?

Stars move through space due to their orbits around the center of their galaxy, gravitational interactions with other stars, and the expansion of the universe. These motions can be influenced by the collective gravitational pull of other celestial bodies and dark matter in the universe. Additionally, the movement of stars can be affected by internal processes such as nuclear fusion and stellar evolution.

Why do all the constellations appear to be moving?

Everything in the sky appears to be moving because Earth is rotating. BUT - also, Earth is orbiting the Sun, and the Sun and all the planets are rotating in an arm of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is also moving through the Universe....