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Q: When sample X is passed through a filter paper a white residue Y remains on the paper and a clear liquid z passes through. When liquid Z is vaporized another white residue remains. Sample X is B?
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When sampleX is passed through a filter paper a white residue remains on the paper and a clear liquid passes through When liquid is vaporized another white residue remains Is sample X homogeneous?

No, sample X is not homogeneous. The presence of a white residue on the filter paper and after vaporization indicates that there are different components in the sample that are separating out. Homogeneous substances should appear uniform throughout, without residues or separate phases.

What do you call the liquid that passes through the filter?

It is called the filtrate. What remains on the paper is called the residue.

What is residue of cement?

Residue of cement refers to the solid material that remains after the hydration process of cement has taken place. This residue can affect strength and durability of the concrete and should be minimized through proper mixing and curing practices.

What is the residue of evaporation called?

The residue left after evaporation is called the concentrate or precipitate, depending on the type of substance being evaporated. It is the remaining solid or liquid material that remains after the solvent has been removed through evaporation.

Is the filtrate the body that remains on or passes through the filter paper?

The filtrate is the liquid that passes through the filter paper and contains the substances that have been filtered. The residue is the solid material that remains on the filter paper after the liquid has passed through.

What is left on the filter paper?

what is left on filter paper when using filtration? it is residue

What is the substance deposited in the bottom of the evaporating dish?

The substance left behind in the bottom of an evaporating dish after the solvent has evaporated is called the residue. This residue is what remains of the dissolved solute once the solvent has been removed through evaporation.

The solid residue that remains when a hydrate is heated is?

The solid residue that remains when a hydrate is heated is the anhydrous compound, which is the compound without any water molecules. Heating a hydrate removes the water molecules through the process of dehydration, leaving behind the anhydrous form of the compound.

What is the dry residue of molten liquid?

The dry residue of a molten liquid refers to the solid material that remains once all the liquid components have evaporated or been removed through evaporation or other means. This residue can provide important information about the composition of the original substance and is often analyzed in various industries for quality control purposes.

What are examples of assonance in the Lightning Thief?

One example of assonance in "The Lightning Thief" is in the line: "I had just vaporized my math teacher." The repeated long 'a' sound in "vaporized" and "math" creates an assonant effect. Another example is in the line: "Annabeth swiped the notebook from my hands and paged through it." The repeated short 'a' sound in "swiped" and "hands" is another instance of assonance.

How will you separate sugar and sand?

You can add water, and make it run through an filter. The sand will stick in the filter, and the sugar will be yours after the water is vaporized. You can wait until the water is vaporized, or heat it up.

An unknown sample scatters light and passes through a filter without leaving a residue the sample is most likely a?

A gas or a liquid since they do not leave a residue behind after passing through a filter. Solids are more likely to leave a residue.