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Q: When shines to prism a rainbow of colors comes out of the prism?
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When light shines into a prism a rainbow of colors comes out of the prism.?

When ordinary visible light shines on a prism.

What happens to the spectrum if a red light shines on a prism?

When red light shines on a prism, it will refract and disperse into its component colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) due to their different wavelengths. This creates a spectrum of colors known as a rainbow.

When light shines through a prism what do you see?

When light shines through a prism, it is refracted, or bent, at different angles depending on its wavelength or color. This dispersion of light causes the white light to separate into its component colors, creating a spectrum of colors known as a rainbow.

What can you found when light shines through a prism?

When light shines through a prism, it is refracted and dispersed into its component colors, creating a spectrum known as a rainbow. This happens because each color of light has a different wavelength and is bent at a different angle. The resulting spectrum shows the colors of the rainbow from red to violet.

What happens to the light if the light shines through a prism?

When light shines through a prism, it is refracted, which means it is bent as it passes through the prism. This bending of light causes it to separate into its component colors, creating a rainbow spectrum.

What happens when a ray shines through a prism?

it makes a rainbow

What happens when a beam of sunlight shines through a prism?

When a beam of sunlight shines through a prism, the light gets refracted and separates into its different wavelengths or colors, creating a rainbow spectrum. This process is called dispersion. Each color in the spectrum corresponds to a different wavelength of light.

How does white and water make a rainbow?

The water acts like a prism and white light shines through it, it makes a rainbow.

When you look at white light through a glass prism you see a rainbow of color called?

light is white. if you mix the colors of the rainbow you get white. A prism separates the colors, showing a rainbow.

What light shines out of a prism if white light is shined into it?

When white light passes through a prism, it is refracted and splits into its component colors, producing a rainbow of colors known as a spectrum. The colors that will be visible are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, in that order.

How can you separate rainbow colors individually as from a mixture?

To separate rainbow colors individually, you can use a prism or a diffraction grating. When white light passes through a prism or a diffraction grating, the different wavelengths of light (colors) are refracted at different angles, causing them to separate. This results in the dispersion of light into its constituent colors of the rainbow.

Why are there lots of colors in a rainbow?

A rainbow occurs when a wave of light is filtered through a prism, in most cases, raindrops. The prism then separates the light into all of the colors from which it is comprised.