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They should be used with caution in patients with Asthma, epilepsy, slow heart beat, hyperthyroidism, or gastric ulcers.

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Q: When should cholinergic drugs be used with caution?
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Is CROSS sectional study a prospective study?

Basically it is not. However, there are studies being tiltled as prospective cross sectional study, but these kind fo terms should be used with caution and clear explanation.

How is math used in veterinary work?

Having to calculate amounts of drugs and liquid. Ratios for the drugs. etc.

When should relative measures of dispersion be used?

They may be used-with considerable caution-when the measurements in the various populations being compared were made in different units. Dividing the dispersion estimates by the location estimates eliminates eliminates the differences attributable to differences in measuring units. However, caution is advised because the measurement methods may have differed in the various populations, giving rise to differences in the dispersion estimates having nothing to do with dispersion in the populations. In other words, there could well be differing levels of measurement error across populations.

What does DOOP stand for?

Doop is slang for dope which can be used to describe something as cool, or it can be slang for a number of drugs.

What is a psycho-tropic drug?

Psychotropic drugs, sometimes also called psychoactive, affect the central nervous system, and can cause a variety of changes in behavior or perception. Many think psychotropic drugs are only of the illegal variety, like the psychedelic drugs frequently used in the late 1960s, such as acid, LSD, angel dust, and marijuana. However, even something as relatively benign as caffeine is considered one of many psychotropic drugs

Related questions

What drugs have interactions with cholinergic stimulants?

Certain antibiotics, especially neomycin, streptomycin, and kanamycin, can exacerbate the effects of some cholinergic stimulants. These antibiotics should be used with caution by people with myasthenia gravis.

What is cholinergic and anti cholinergic drugs?

Cholinergic drugs are used for urinary retention, myasthenia gravis, glaucoma. Cholinergic drugs act like the neurotransmitter ACh (acetylcholine). Anti Cholinergic (also called Cholinergic blocking) drugs block the action of the ACh. Anti Cholinergic drugs are used foe pylorospasm & peptic ulcers, bladder overactivity, parkinson's disease

What is the purpose of cholinergic stimulants?

Cholinergic drugs are used for a variety of purposes, including the treatment of myasthenia gravis and during anesthesia.

How do cholinergic drugs control glaucoma?

Cholinergic drugs are also used in control of glaucoma, a disease that is caused by increased pressure inside the eye. The most common drugs used for this purpose are demecarium (Humorsol) and echthiophate (Phospholine iodide).

List the cholinergic drugs?

Anticholinergic drugs are substances used to help reduce and block the effects of acetylcholine. They are mainly used for the treatment of stomach cramps, motion sickness and ulcers. Some anticholinergic drugs include: Ipatropium Bromide Oxitropium Bromide Tiotropium Glycopyrrolate

What effects do cholinergic drugs produce?

Cholinergic drugs produce the same effects as acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is the most common neurohormone of the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the peripheral nervous system responsible for the every day work of the body.

What are cholinergic stimulants?

they stimulate the action of ACh at post ganglionic muscarinic receptors.

Anti cholinergic drugs?

Anticholinergic drugs are substances used to help reduce and block the effects of acetylcholine. They are mainly used for the treatment of stomach cramps, motion sickness and ulcers. Some anticholinergic drugs include: Ipatropium Bromide Oxitropium Bromide Tiotropium Glycopyrrolate

What drugs cause miosis?

Miosis is constriction of the pupil of the eye. Drugs that causes miosis are: Opioids (depressants) such as codeine, fentanyl, morphine, heroin and methadone. An exception with the opioids is the drugs Demerol (meperidine), instead of constricting the pupils, it is a mydriatic narcotic, it dilates the pupils of the eyes. Antipsychotics, including haloperidol, thorazine, olanzapine, quetiapine. Cholinergic agents such as those used to treat Alzheimer's disease and nerve gases; cholinergic drugs such as pilocarpine, carbachol (Miostat) and neostigmine As an F.Y.I. Cholinergic agent poisoning/overdose can be treated with anti-cholinergic agents such as atropine and scopolamine. Some cancer chemotherapy drugs, including camptothecin derivatives. Mirtazapine, a noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NaSSA) Pscychoactive compound, trazodone. Some MAO Inhibitors (MAOI), which are some antidepressant drugs such as selegiline, rasagiline, procarbazine, and many more.

What drugs can be used to treat aphasia?

To date, no pharmacological treatments for aphasia have proven effective, although a number of drugs (dopaminergic, cholinergic, and neurotrophic) continue to be investigated, usually in conjunction with behavioral treatments for aphasia. Instead of drugs, many aphasia patients benefit from intensive speech therapy.

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